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Exercise Programs for Corporate Health and Fitness

Research proves that workplace exercise programs make your team happier, more satisfied with their job, perform better and stay with you longer.

Workplace health is well-known from a negative point of view, i.e. preventing injuries in the workplace by following OHS policies and procedures. Whilst this is of course important it misses another equally important, much more positive but often neglected side of workplace health, and that is the potential to significantly increase employee’s job satisfaction and improve their performance. This is a real win-win situation because everyone benefits: employees find work more enjoyable and fulfilling, and better performance and staff retention helps your business as well.

Recent UK government research showed that workplace health and fitness programs improve job satisfaction, increase productivity and reduce absenteeism. Results showed that after exercising employee’s work performance is consistently higher, they have better time management and improved mental sharpness. The research concludes that workplace exercise programs bring great personal benefits to employees and also give companies more efficient employees who work better together.

Exercise is medicine

Research shows that specific resistance training or all-round physical exercise results in significant reductions in blood pressure, lower body fat and a 30% reduction in duration for shoulder and back pain. Other studies show that vigorous intensity physical activity significantly lowered the risk of injury amongst white-collar workers with neck and upper limb symptoms. These findings powerfully support the benefits of exercise in preventing lost time due to pain, injury or disease.

Move more, feel better

There is also strong evidence to show that exercise helps you cope with stress much more effectively and reduces rates of depression and anxiety. There are several mechanisms for how this works, with the main one being the way that exercise stimulates the release of feel-good chemicals like endorphins to lift your mood and outlook, give you energy and help you to concentrate.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Workplace exercise can help your team get more work done on-time and feel better about it while they do it

What’s Your ROI?

Research consistently shows that improving workplace fitness directly increases profitability. Organisations that manage workplace health well have been shown to increase their financial performance by more than 2.5 times. One study showed that workplace health and fitness programs resulted in a 25% decrease in sick leave absenteeism and a 41% decrease in workers compensation costs, saving $5.81 for every $1 invested in employee well being.

What Type Of Exercise Is Best?

Research so far shows that workplace exercise programs need to incorporate cardiovascular fitness, specific resistance training and all-round physical exercise of vigorous intensity. A pre-exercise health screen is needed to ensure people are safe to join the program. Also, because a relatively high intensity of exercise is recommended, technique correction and program adjustment by a qualified professional is critical. Given that exercise also reduces the impact of neck and back pain on productivity, and this is potentially one of the biggest cost-savings, it is also crucial that the trainer knows about specific exercise for injuries of this type.

Having effective pre-program screenings, highly-skilled trainers and structured programs that include all of the above components will help both employees and businesses be healthier, happier, more productive and successful.

Tailored Corporate Programs At Central Performance

At Central Performance we make it easy for your team and your business to get all of these benefits of exercise. All of our programs follow 3 core principles:

  • Make it safe
  • Make it effective
  • Make it fun

Contact us and we will come and meet you to talk about a program that’s right for your business. We can arrange session times to suit your business as well as tailor a program that’s perfect for your team. Health checks to track improvement and flexible payment options are available.

Smaller teams are also able to join one of our existing group fitness classes at the clinic. The classes are adapted to suit all fitness levels and a thorough pre-program health screen ensures maximum safety while your employees get the best results.

Hugh Campbell

Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer, Certified Weightlifting/Sports Power Coach, Masters of Strength & Conditioning

Hugh heads up our corporate fitness programs. He is an expert in corrective exercise prescription and physical performance improvement. He brings the perfect blend of safety, intensity and encouragement to our corporate fitness solutions. All of his programs are based on the latest research into effective fitness programming and tailored to each participant’s needs and physical abilities.
