facebookLow Back Pain, Exercise & Sleep | Central Performance

What Is The Link Between Chronic Back Pain, Sleep & Exercise?

Exercise for back pain_Sydney Physio_
Exercise Physiologist

Chronic lower back pain and sleep share a complex relationship that affects physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Understanding this connection is vital as it impacts millions of individuals worldwide. In this blog post, we explore the significance of exercise in managing chronic lower back pain, its positive impact on achieving restful sleep, and how exercise can help.

The Cycle of Pain and Sleep

Chronic pain intensifies sleep difficulties, while disrupted sleep worsens pain sensitivity, creating a vicious cycle. Many people suffering from chronic back pain often report extreme difficulties of either getting to sleep or staying asleep. Sleep is an incredibly important factor in relation to injury management and healing, plus it has a large impact on the mental health and emotional aspects of chronic back pain. Sleep deprivation adds to the pain cycle, making it even harder for chronic back pain sufferers to find relief. Furthermore, sleep disruption contributes to mood disturbances, and increased levels of anxiety and depression, compounding the challenges of chronic back pain. The emotional toll further impairs the ability to cope with both pain and sleeplessness.

The Benefits of Exercise For Sleep

Engaging in regular exercise that you enjoy can play a pivotal role in managing chronic lower back pain and improving sleep quality. Types of exercise that have been shown to be beneficial to both chronic back pain and improving sleep patterns include aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming or cycling. Pilates and strength or resistance-based training have also been shown to be very beneficial in a lot of cases.

Why Do You Need To See An Exercise Physiologist For An Exercise Program?

Exercise programming for chronic back pain and sleep disturbance are best prescribed by an exercise physiologist. This is because the type and intensity of exercise required for these conditions will vary considerably for each person, so there is no generic “one size fits all” program that will be helpful for everyone. Choosing the wrong type of exercise, or working at the wrong intensity, can at best be ineffective, or at worst increase the pain and put people off exercising because they think it’s bad for their back.

There are also other factors that should be considered when prescribing exercise for chronic pain. For example, some chronic pain medications may affect a person’s ability to exercise, so their program needs to be adjusted. Also, insomnia-related fatigue and other psychological factors can significantly limit a person’s exercise capacity, and their exercise program needs to allow for this.

For these reasons a personalised program that is based on a professional assessment will make sure that the right type and intensity of exercise is chosen to begin with. Then, as the person improves, all of these factors are reviewed to make sure the program is progressed at an appropriate rate. Accredited exercise physiologists have specific training and experience working with clients to manage health conditions including chronic low back pain and sleep disturbance, so they are the ideal providers in this area.

An Exercise Program Specifically For Low Back Pain Management

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions seen by our exercise physiology team here at Central Performance. Because of this we have a specific Back Pain Program, which is an exercise program specifically developed to help chronic or recurrent back pain sufferers rebuild strength and confidence to move again. It is a structured five-stage program that is personalised for each client to meet their goals, symptom levels, current exercise capacity and overall fitness. Click below for more info.

How Can Exercise Benefit Sleep?

1. Pain Reduction

Exercise releases endorphins, natural painkillers that help alleviate discomfort and reduce pain sensitivity. By addressing the root cause of chronic back pain, exercise contributes to better sleep quality.

2. Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Physical activity promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety levels. A calmer mind is better equipped to transition into sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

3. Improved Sleep Quality

Regular exercise has been shown to improve the overall quality of sleep, leading to more restorative rest during the night. Exercise and movement in general contribute to a feeling of being tired, which leads to a greater feeling that the body requires sleep to function properly. This is essential for the body’s natural healing and repair processes.

4. Regulation of Sleep Patterns

Establishing a consistent exercise routine can help regulate the body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at regular times each day.

5. Enhanced Mood

Exercise stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation. Improved mood can positively impact sleep and overall well-being.

How can an exercise physiologist help?

Exercise physiologists are the exercise experts – they use exercise to treat an incredibly wide range of health conditions. Chronic pain, and specifically chronic back pain, are both extremely common conditions treated by exercise physiologists. They work with you to build an exercise program best suited to your needs and abilities, and then work to establish a structured exercise routine based around this program. This helps you establish important habits and practices that give you the best chance of not only improving your chronic pain levels, but also your ability to get to sleep and stay asleep through increasing your activity levels.

Create A Positive Cycle For Exercise And Sleep

By incorporating exercise into their daily routine, individuals with chronic lower back pain can break the cycle of pain and sleep disturbances. The combination of pain relief, reduced stress, improved mood, and better sleep quality creates a positive feedback loop, enhancing overall physical and mental health. Recognising and addressing the relationship between chronic lower back pain, exercise, and sleep is crucial for overall well-being. Incorporating regular exercise not only helps manage chronic pain but also promotes better sleep quality. By breaking the cycle of pain and sleeplessness, individuals can improve their quality of life and take significant steps toward restoring balance and a greater sense of calm in their daily lives.

Ask A Question To see If Exercise Could help Your Back Pain And Sleep

Our team of exercise physiologists are happy to answer any questions you have about the role of exercise in helping with managing back pain and improving sleep patterns. Feel free to call us on 9280 2322 and have a no-obligation talk with one of our team, or click below to email them a question or book a session.
